Friday, November 28, 2008

ahahahaha oh man this photo has made my day!!!! (compliments to professional photographer/dad phil krejcarek)

Denzel cat in snow, he is so handsom, and so not sure how he feels about snow. Lechner, this photo is for you.

In other news, london is quickly coming to a close. Last night, while stuffed with stuffing, anna and i realized that we are home is nothing but three weeks!!!! and we are very excited for christmas. ALSO we are excited by the fact that we can cook, and WELL. though we did cook far too much in our efforts to give thanks. anna made enough stuffing for maybe 13-16 people and i made not one, not 2, but 6 candied yams. (best quote of the night: "What are two people going to do with 6 candied yams?" ---Chris Peltier) and then there were cranberries, salad, apple crisp, and a bottle of wine. We did thanksgiving up right. and now we are ready to be rachel ray.
ALSO, i have a new roomie for my last weeks here. (they are so filling the pub with replacements for KC and I). the new roomie is quite cool, and a THEATRE GIRL. which makes me happy. and she is Canadian, which is fun...and she gave me a stuffed animal moose, we named him pierre. London is starting to look a little christmasy, which is nice. also a clown gave me a heart shapped ballon because i liked his juggling, it was love. I have a few more weeks at he pub, but have booked tickets to go to Stratford before i leave, see Romeo and Juliet, and soak up some shakespeare homelife.

finally, paris is next weekend!!!! oh the excitement!!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I feel like the past few weeks have been a scattering of so much randomness. London is just everything weird, surealism lately. As i told my mother, these are an odd people. In the past weeks such things have occured as drunk irish boys falling off our roof. The lesson to be learned here is to not let seemingly normal irish touristis take you and your barmaid room mate out for drinks, and then dont let them crawl on your roof. leason learned....he's ok, we think. This did bind us closer with Edward Norton the bartender at the pub next door, he drinks at our place, we drink at his, he looks like Edward Norton if you blur your vision, and now he is sure that we bring trouble in had post irish experience. The regulars continue to be charming, though i have realized that most of my "friends" in London are middleaged plus men who i only ever see a little drunk---they are charming non-the-less.
Other news, I went to the zoo with anna-face, good times and over stimulation occured, as did nearly killing a merekat via the accidental feeding of a zoo treat stick covered in chocolate. He really liked it, and then he buried the evidence and asked for more...i hope he is still alive. I've taken in some art, some theatre, saw Branagh in Ivanov, which was awesome!, oddly... I have finally gotten on board with monologue work, and have been attempting to find solice drawing studies at the national gallery.

And so on it goes, day in day out. KC has moved out to travel before returning to the states, and has yet to be replaced in the pub....thus we are all working a lot this week, but i do need the money, we'll see how it goes.
Anna and I are going to Paris in a few weeks, and now that the tickets are booked, that adventure is a good thing to look forward to, as is thanksgiving, and so too, is COLIN WAITT!!!! an arrival i am SO excited for. London has been really lonely some moments for me, and knowing the nearness of one more lovie in this city is comforting. My dreams lately have been tripy and filled with far too many past affairs to really handle and thus i really just want to frolic with colin and anna, I think that might help.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

i have returned from BATH! ...and apparently my jakers stayed in the SAME hostel as i did years ago? small small oh so small, but sometimes way too big world. The Hostel was beautiful, a bit of a hike from the city, up this hill, nestled in the woods, oh so secret garden-esq, in an italian style villa, whoa! Also, highlight of Bath, cows, beautiful cows. If one choose, as i clearly did, one could walk though the National Trust(a bunch of public feilds) on the way back to the city, and in these fields were cows. The cows and i gained a good respect for one another, I drew pictures of them, and they smelled me. AHHHHHH So much more to say about Bath, water, churches, beautiful spaces, it smelled good....unlike some smelling london moments. I practically had a religious moment in bath abby, bassically it was a good trip....and my first of such a kind on my own. The schedule had been really weird so i had three days off in a row, no friends about, and so i decided to take myself on holiday, like the lady and lords of old. It was a bit strange, and a bit enpowering. London is London is London. It's one of those experiences that is changing my life, but doing so by reinforcing my heart. by solidifying what is important and good and worth trying for and loving. So even when it's hard, and cold and oh rainy, yep that happens, this is the whole young person discovery part of the kate movie. Also apparently Jane Austin hatted her time in Bath, but wrote two novels about it when she returned to the country. So to take a note from Jane, i just have to make something creative about the ups and downs when i return. Though really it's a lot of ups. KC my roomie and i went to see clips of old films in Trafalger Square last night. It was beautiful and we ate popcorn....can you get anybetter than that. Meanwhile, i am preparing for the return, the monologues, the reimergence. cant wait. but i promise to live it up as much as i can while still here. promise

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I"LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!! and not only in my dreams, LITERALLY. and officially. The flight has been changed, and i am feeling dandy! It's funny, yesterday was an awesome day, and yet, it dosent make me want to stay longer than is right for me. I had a great spanglish, not always understandable, but lovely coffee date with a guy who works at the hotel near me. He's from spain, and thus has a bit more spunk than most withheld londoners, so that was a fun break from the norm. And work last night was actually really really fun. I was working with two of my favorite co-workers, and there was an English football match on with kept business flowing and exciting, and then a huge group of french men came in and after i poured them two rounds of 16 drinks, they decided that i was marvelous! (but pronounced mravel-loose....they were french after all). And then, to top it all of a totally southern of all southern-ness guy from south carolina came to the bar and proceeded to intoduce me to his uncle who is from BLACK EARTH WISCONSIN!!!!! The world can get so tiny!!!!!! i mean really how many people know intimately where to find blackearth besides me. And on top of all that, during the lunch rush a couple days ago, not one, but three young men gave me their on a napkin and the others on their bills. What can i say, bartenders are sexy...even if the management continues to be stupid faces.
So yeah, it's not all that bad, but as once again, roam if you must, but come home when you've seen enough....and come home in time for theatre auditions. With february offering a multitude of oportunites in auditions i feel very certain that it is a good time to venture back and get back into the game. I miss the game. Being away from it has been the best possible move because it makes it all so obvious now. It's so clear, the need, the desire, the passion. The questions and doubts are quickly no more. I mean granted i did not pick an easy career, but i did pick the best possible life. Anyway, when i get back i will not mind some pre-audition feedback, so i might tie a few of you down and make you watch me monologue. and i will likely crash on a few minnesota couches. just warning you all.
After work tonight i am catching up with the minnesota theatre kids for some drinks and some sleeping over at annas....and wearing matching shirts that anna and i found in portabella market. yay matching shirts. and yay christmas....i forgot how much i love christmas, i love it A LOT!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Anna and I saw alternative theatre and all we could say was "where is Luverne"!!!! well, actually we said a lot more than that, cause a lot of it was really cool, but we did wish luverne had been there. The play was called "Bacchaefull"--a take on the greek Dionysus story of wild woman, defying gods, and punishment. It was in this amazingly creepy building(woyzeck much?) and we were toured though the space by the actors. The caverns of this place were emense, and we were totally transported. Not all of the acting was great, but enough of the experience made up for that. visually and often physically it was terrifying and great! and there was such beautiful incorporation of abtsrtact imagry to tell very basic human stories. They used a mirror in the hand to show the head of a dead man, while that man(the actor) played his own mother, holding the mirror!!! it was awesome! Afterwards we drank some long island iceteas with the bfas and had an all round great time.
IN other news, i am considering making this kate's "semester abroad"as opposed to kates's 6 months......i am having an amazing life changing, growing up experience, but i think 4 months might be a better length for this girl. Also my need and desire to get back into the theatre world is overpowering, It's the whole you need to be away from a thing to realize how much you love it. If i get back in sooner i can still audition for summer stock, even some's starting to feel right. we'll see, legistics, legistics.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

ok, it's official i have become a blog stalker. Being the voice behind a blog myself has made me obsessed, with blogs, and especially blogs of aquaintences who's blogy words i attempt to decode.....not even of people i know that well, but i am definetly forming bloggy opinions. It could be worse, i could be addicted to far more dangerous vices than blog stalking, but still, it's dangerous none the less. secretly i hope my stalkies stalk me back, think about it, it's very romantic comedy meets creepy.
In other news, the pub is totally full of up and downs. Last night KC my rockstar roomie got yelled at for "wastage" issues dispite the fact that she is amazing and had just rocked the pants off the up selling competition( which went un-noted) and i got accused of letting a coustomer fool me and the till out of fifty pounds......which if that is the case, I am sorry i am so trusting, and hey, criminals entering the pub is not my issue. Much petty mistrust flew about from the management and passive agressive signs about closing doors quietly were posted on the walls. Hey save a tree and verbaly tell me to close the door with care. yikes! Anyway, KC and I went to a neighboring pub and some regulars from our place bought us drinks. Basically the job is cool, and obviously the regulars awesome.....but yeah, there are issues from the up and ups.
Diferent subject--- I am officially in a dance class, i am a dancer, and loves it! I'm taking a contact improv class at a dance school near my flat, and it reminds me SO much of carl flink goodness...also i must digress the moset attractive man just walked by starbucks where i am utilizing the internet. He also looks like my 18year-old-self-s ain true first love....i am so doomed. haha, wow, and we return. sooooooo dance class is cool! ha, i need to focus and drink less coffee. Anna and i are taking in some theatre tonight. So i must go get ready to paint the town red! cheers from the london adventure!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

oh blog, it has been toooo long! so much to tell the world of my followers about london! it sounds like a followers, the cult of kate.....a cult that believes in the magic of coffee and peanut butter, and truth, beauty, freedom, and love! yeah i stole my cult's basic beliefs form a movie? what? anywho, it is now october, so this girl has been driving herself into poverty for about a month now. i only get payed once every four weeks, so the poverty thing can be overwhelming to say the least. In other news, i love the fact that london is a by-way of travel, thus any of my lovelies flying through heathrow better be planning on visiting me on the way. Had a couple lovely days witha jetlagged friend from the states, passing though. I realized quickly that i have been taking the tube way to much because i cant fully negotiate my way though the city on foot, and might have gotten us lost on a wonder. Still i was proud that we found our way back to the flat, had some goodtimes involving lots of chinese food, stella, burnt oily pizza, passive agressive texts informing me that "this is not a youth hostel" and david duchovny. ummmmm what more could a couple of americans in london need? not much i tell you, not much.
Also anna and i have discovered notting hill and portebella market. It's overwhelming, but so good. Anna found sex-tastic red boots from a lady named claudia...whom we love, and we might have bought matching shirts....wait for it, they are going to blow minds! All together, notting hill IS like the movie....though hugh grant was definetly being elusive much. By the end of a couple hours we were so ready for a nap. I have not progressed from being an overstimulated child at the carnival....too...much.....stimula.......and done.

oh also i have seen some really bad theatre, whoa, i was shocked that people think michael redgrave is still worthwhile. harsh i know, but dont give the man a standing O when we wears wind pants to a public reading in which he is to play oscar wilde while using a predictable pattern of inflection in a bad stage voice! i was underimpressed, and dont care who he is related to. BUT< there was an amazing photo show at the national that same night which might have made up for it. All these famous actors allowed themselves to be photgraphed in the 30 minutes preshow, and damn are they ever good portraits. loved that, did not love the redgrave.
oh london, , oh london indeed.